Greensboro Light Opera and Song Overview

Greensboro Light Opera and Song will be taking a hiatus for the summer of 2017. Thank you to our patrons, supporters and participants — we look forward to providing updates in the near future.

Meanwhile, take a look at last year’s program:


Performance Opportunities

May 23 – June 24, 2016

Principal and Ensemble roles in:

Gilbert and Sullivan’s Ruddigore

  • fully staged with orchestra in UNCG Auditorium, June 16-19, 2016
  • Guest Stage Director Dawn Harris, University of Illinois

Seussical Jr.

Art Song presented in unique and innovative venue, June 4, 2016
David Holley, Artistic Director

Weekly Training

  • Vocal Coaching: James Douglass
  • Voice Lessons: Robert Bracey, Donald Hartmann, Carla LeFevre, Levon Tobin-Scott, Nancy Walker, Robert Wells, Clara O’Brien
  • Alexander Technique classes: Shawn Copeland
  • Movement/Dance classes
  • Stage Combat: Jim Wren
  • Career planning/the Business of Music


  • University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana auditions: Saturday, March 12, 2016 – 1:00-4:00, Room 1201, Music Building
  • Greensboro auditions will be Sunday, March 13 – 4:00-9:00, UNCG Music Building Recital Hall, and Wednesday, March 16, 7:00-10:00, UNCG Music Building Room 110
  • Apply at NOTE: You do not need to be a paying subscriber to YAP Tracker to use the application form, although you will need an account (guest accounts are available; see the website for details). Registration can be completed at


The 2016 Greensboro Light Opera and Song program (GLOS) extends from May 23 to June 24, beginning in Greensboro, NC on May 23 with rehearsals of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Ruddigore and Seussical Jr.. At the end of the second week, an exciting Art Song event will be presented in a unique and innovative format and venue. Participants will simultaneously receive vocal coaching in preparation for an exciting Art Song event, as well instruction in Alexander Technique, stage combat, and movement/dance. Each singer will also receive a weekly one-hour voice lesson.

GLOS is led by founder and Artistic Director, David Holley, who is also the Artistic Director of Greensboro Opera, Past President of the National Opera Association and the Director of Opera at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. The GLOS faculty has taught and worked at prestigious summer festivals in the US and abroad, including AIMS (Graz), the Schlern International Music Festival, the Ohio Light Opera, and the Brevard Music Center.

Both Ruddigore and Seussical will be double-cast, with two fully staged and costumed performances of the former in Greensboro for each cast, after which the company will travel to Roanoke Island Festival Park to present Seussical.

Total cost for the program is $1,551, which encompasses all Greensboro training and performing listed above. In addition, all expenses for the tour to Roanoke Island Festival Park (including housing and transportation) will be covered, and a per diem in the amount of $150 will be provided to each participant the week of June 20. Housing will be available at an additional cost of $816 for those accepted into the program who wish to stay on UNCG’s campus.

The program is partially administered through the UNCG Online, and thus, academic credit (3 credit hours) is earned during the program.

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