Photo from Be Funky production

The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) with a concentration in Design and Technical Production is for those students intending to work in the field professionally and/or to attend graduate school. The course of study is designed to allow each student to select from design, technical theatre, and related classes within the Department of Theatre. The curriculum is augmented by courses offered through other departments throughout the University, including Art, Media Studies, Interior Architecture, and Communication Studies.

The degree emphasizes pre-professional training within a liberal arts course of study. The School of Theatre produces a rigorous season of plays in three venues during the academic year and summer in a professional setting, all intended to provide students with substantial practical training. BFA students in both of these degree tracks are assigned design and production positions based on individual career goals. As a student progresses, the responsibilities and challenges of each assignment increase, culminating in a major project during the senior year.

Students completing a BFA degree in either of these concentrations typically pursue careers in design, technical direction, costuming, or as a master electrician, sound engineer, or stage manager.


View the Undergraduate Bulletin for this program’s curriculum.

Questions? Contact Chip Haas at [email protected] or 336-334-3891