Wondering what your four years of study in the B.F.A. Musical Theatre Program will look like? Read below for details… but remember our program is tailored to each individual. Each of our students receives advising time with our faculty to determine the next best steps for their personal development.

Pippin Madeline


Students arrive on campus and begin Acting and Movement classes with the entire BFA Performance cohort (Acting and MT). This helps build their community within the School of Theatre… making connections that will continue throughout their time at UNCG. Musical Theatre students also take degree specific courses like Ballet, Jazz, and Tap, Private Voice, and Musicianship I.

In the second semester students progress to Acting II, Voice for the Actor, and also take Musical Theatre Studio I. This course is the first of four studio classes and culminates in the performance of self-written cabarets.

Students audition for mainstage shows beginning in their second semester- the first semester includes a BFA Freshman Showcase performance specifically for our newcomers!


Second year Musical Theatre students continue their specific development via required courses such as Acting III, Musicianship II, Playscript Analysis, Stagecrafts, and continued dance and vocal study. Students work to connect their studies in Musical Theatre Studio II, an intensive scene study course that works in various genres and eras of Musical Theatre.


Something happens during the summer between the sophomore and junior years… and we see our third-year students come back to campus often feeling like entirely new people. The work in this year becomes more advanced as voice and dance studies continue, and students begin to add electives such as Shakespeare, Dialects, and Stage Combat to their studies. Musical Theatre students also study Acting for the Camera during this year.

In the second semester, Junior Musical Theatre students take Musical Theatre Studio III… which is a new interpretation of a classic piece of theatre. This course culminates in performances that are part of the mainstage season.


Students begin their final year with Musical Theatre Studio IV- a course that focuses on digital content creation, reels, online presence, and self-marketing. This course, combined with the B.F.A. Senior Showcase, are the backbone of our work to springboard our students into the profession and aid them in creating relationships with agents, managers, and casting directors.

B.F.A. Musical Theatre students typically perform in a final musical (or two!) this year and continue their intensive vocal and dance study coupled with acting electives. Graduation comes sooner than expected and our students are off to take on the world!

Would you like more specific information? You can download our full curriculum or plan of study.