BA Banner, Hairspray production

The Bachelor of Arts in Drama provides a broadly based approach; a strong core of courses in acting, directing, stagecraft, play script analysis, theatre history, and dramatic literature is supplemented by additional work in performance, technical theatre, and other theatre studies. Apply for BA program (U880) and then audition for this program.

Our B.A. in drama provides a broad-based approach for students who wish to emphasize theatre as an undergraduate major. Senior capstone projects provide in-depth opportunities for study and practice.

UNCG Theatre, the North Carolina Theatre for Young People, and Theatre 232 (summer theatre) provide public production opportunities for students in all degree programs so they can learn theatre art as well as practice before live audiences.

The Department of Theatre participates annually in the American College Theatre Festival and its own Performance Showcase in New York City for graduated B.F.A. actors.

The department sponsors a spring tour of an N.C. Theatre for Young People production to schools.