Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Mission Statement

As a faculty committee authorized by the College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA) Instrument of Governance, the Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion comprises representative faculty from the Schools of Art, Dance, Music, and Theatre. We aim to identify, analyze, and remediate structural inequities in our College, our various disciplines, and academia in general—inequities that may impede students, faculty, staff, and society as a whole from maximizing their artistic, professional, and personal potential and making their authentic contributions to the arts and to society.

Our role is to advise, educate, and advocate, rather than legislate or adjudicate. We strive to encourage, facilitate, raise awareness, and increase understanding of EDI issues throughout the CVPA, whether they relate to curriculum, co-curricular programming, research, hiring, or communications. In so doing, we, the CVPA EDI committee, commit ourselves to racial equity and to fostering a creative community that honors each individual’s history, identity, and unique contributions to our institutions, culture, and society.

Members of the EDI committee educate themselves by taking anti-bias and racial equity training, and we serve on other committees within the College to bring EDI perspectives to the processes of recruitment, hiring, curriculum development, and additional areas as needed.

Meeting Reports


  1. Zoom Q & A: Reminder to reshare information on zoom pop ups
  2. Website: Feb 4 deadline to send information to update the EDI website’s News section. We will also add information about Christal Brown on the home page, provide brief edited information from the CVPA Curriculum Development -EDI document.
  3. Graduate Student Body: There are no other official school groups for graduates similar to the one in Dance (AGSD). Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to only have one group that is able to elect a member for the sub-committee. We will maintain seeking assistance from the dean and directors at the present moment.
    • Look into creating a student body that has representation from all of CVPA (undergraduate and graduate students). This may help students select graduate students to serve on EDI sub-committee.
  4. Christal Brown Workshop Update: Bio and pic are available for us to distribute to faculty and students as we see fit and will reside on our website’s home page. More information specifying what the workshop will focus on is to come later. 
  5. Meeting and/or Pop-up: These spring meetings and/or pop-ups can and should be different for each school and will serve three purposes. The first and main goal is to meet the students of that particular school, the second goal is to remind them of the workshop and the last goal is to gather information of what their needs/wants are in regard to the CVPA EDI Committee (that is of course within our reach.) It is up to each committee member to decide when to have the meeting/pop up
    • Set up a time period to update resources on website along with any other information…more current

  1. Trans Lives Support Statement
     Mon Feb 28 deadline to review statement of support. Yes, to support our Trans students. Google doc created in shared drive to review it.
    • Also, how can we support the students alongside providing the statement?
  2. Website Updates
    “News” should be separate from “Events” at this point and then we can clarify in future
    • Check to make sure Christal Brown Diversity Workshop is on the main CVPA page.
    • Word doc to Daniel must be clear. For ex., What page is it on? Detailed information to Daniel
    • Create a plan/timeline for items that transition into archival. Info is housed in google drive so let’s continue to us that as a base
    • Create Assignment for Microsite Updates for March 8 deadline
  3. Check in on school goal and CVPA goal (10 min)
    • Will discuss further in Future meeting
  4. Meeting/Pop-up reminder for each school (10 min)
    • Instead of saying EDI popup we can use language that clearly represents what we want to know from the students. Visibility is crucial to students. “Do you see me?”
    • Will discuss further in Future meeting
  5. Christal Brown
    • Check to make sure Christal Brown Diversity Workshop is on the main CVPA page
    • Christal, ask what we can expect in Diversity Workshop
    • Instead of us asking Christal for specific needs I will ask Christal what she can provide and then we see where we need the connection most as a college. Each school has different needs

Other items brought up in meeting for future discussion

  • Student organization of Native Americans in Art
  • Reach the students with Instagram as best form of communication
  • How can we support the students alongside providing the statement?


  1. Thoughts on the new microsite (5-10 minutes)
    • Press release to campus weekly?
    • Microsite updates
    • Update once a semester and if so when?
  2. Update on response to the SoM letter (5 minutes)
    • Distributed to faculty and supported by director. Director asked area chairs to take it to use it for further discussions.
    • Suggestion for director to encourage faculty to seek use of resources on CVPA website for things such as concert programming
  3. Voting on final draft of charge revisions (5 minutes)
  4. Mini grants (15 minutes)
    • Approve the CFP
      • Review the older CFP here and make revisions
    • Figure out when to submit call (on microsite, but when? Late summer, early Fall semester?)
    • Figure out process from CFP creation to announcement of awardees. We sketched an outline of procedures:
      • i.When to do it: fall (fall and spring); spring (sp only)
        1. October and March due date?
      • ii.Ex officio non-voting member from chancellor’s edi people
      • iii.Sub-committee (4 total each semester): Grad student?, staff member, 2 people from CVPA EDI comm?
        1. Mechanism to choose student member? Election by the students for a grad student member of the comm?
        2. Rotate people every semester to evenly distribute work. Ex., Half EDI comm in fall and other half EDI comm in spring
        3. Try to get full representation from all Schools
        4. Can reach out to school reps on comm for advice if needed
      • iv.Procedure overview: form sub-com, CFP release (microsite and to Dean), review apps and make recs to dean, make announcement publicly (through Dean and on microsite)
    • Make sure to loop in Dean throughout every part of process
  5. New chair for next year (2021-2022) (5 minutes)
    1. Email about Mariam and Clarice co-chair (junior and senior); or chair and chair-elect? The latter seemed preferable.
    2. Replace Music member, tell Director to do SoM vote; replace (at-large), ask ?
  6. Additional Items/Announcements
    • Message from the Dean regarding the Chauvin verdict located on CVPA website. All future messages will reside there.
  7. What to do for next year (see below) (10 minutes)

Looking ahead: Agenda items and General Tasks for AY 2021-2022

  • Add News and Testimonies to the CVPA EDI microsite. Figure out formats, types of testimonies, etc.
  • Keep up with maintaining the site. Perhaps nominate a person to do that each year?
    • Possible election of website coordinator for the committee
    • Suggested that a Graduate assistant could act in that role of website coordinator
    • Contact Joe gamble for revisions—either through a coordinator or each of us ad hoc when needed
    • Collaboration with industries of blind project. College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA) and the Industries of the Blind (IOB) partnership May 10th marking 2nd year of collaboration
  • Consult with Dean on funding amount for the Mini-grants, revise CFP as needed, then post CFP on the microsite and make announcement to the College in early Fall by the latest.
  • Figure out agenda for the year, and perhaps focus on facilitating more workshops and panels that involve both students and faculty across the College to build solidarity.

  1. Introductions and recap of 2020-2021
    • Four new members
    • Website created last year
    • EDI Charge updated and approved Spring 21
  2. Discussed EDI Mini-Grant
    • Discussed timeline for mini-grant announcement. Email sent out at the end of July, and we were unprepared as we had discussed announcing it when school began. The committee felt that was too early and both students and faculty would overlook it. This needs to be better coordinated.
    • Review EDI Mini-Grant name shift/clarification. Previously “CVPA Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Mini-Grants.” It was posted as “CVPA Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Access Fund.” Discussed why ‘Access’ was added and questioned whether that wasn’t already implicit in “Inclusion”, in an attempt to streamline the language. Will ask about the change and his considerations for the addition before finalizing.
    • Discussed the Project Overview
    • We will give the committee one more week to make any further changes or suggestions to the Mini-grant listing. Reminder email and a deadline will be sent.
    • We reviewed EDI Comm. Procedures for Mini-Grants from Spring 2021
    • Discussed process to select a graduate student from Theatre or Music, should it be through graduate student body election? For now, until the students can determine, the Dean’s office will appoint each year a graduate student that complements the schools not already represented by EDI committee. Deadline is Oct 1.
    • Clarice and Mariam volunteered to review the mini-grant applications for this fall 21. EDI committee participants will rotate every semester.
    • Clarice asked for 2 different committee volunteers to review grants in the spring 22, members will email Clarice.

  1. Began meeting by reviewing the EDIA-grant draft one last time and approved it.
    • We need to make sure to ask the dean that it is posted twice in the beginning of the academic year: August 1 and middle of August.
    • The dean’s office will select grad students this year to review grant. In the future student body will self-select.
    • We need to clarify “procedures” in the future
    • Tara and Carole will review EDIA grant applications in the spring
  2. CVPA EDI Website
    • Elect website coordinator from the committee for the year. Jennifer volunteered to be the website coordinator for this year
    • Daniel Rice replaces Joe Gamble. Clarice sent Daniel an email through the site to see how long it would take to get changes processed. We need to consider the time frame as we submit updates to the EDI site.
    • We discussed maintenance and updating for the year and decided that twice a year right now was a fair goal.  We want to add news and testimonies. For our first update the committee was tasked to summarize updates from the CVPA Curriculum Development report for Schools each of us represents as well as any other highlights we can share from our programs- upcoming or past events. If we can find video clips, pictures, that would be great.tc to break up all the report-like info that would be great. DUE Oct 6th from comm. Members
    • Conflict Resolution and Feedback Form is presently disabled- we need to speak to Daniel Rice.
  3. The dean, wanted to make us aware of the APAP Pledge and consider ways in which we could learn from their model.  We did not discuss, just shared the link to review.
  4. Future Goals for the EDI committee. How should it be involved in the CVPA? What kind of active role should it take on? Are there projects we can initiate? Can we set up a CVPA goal as well as School goals like facilitating workshops and/or panels involving students and faculty across the College to build solidarity?

Speaker suggestions were: Christal Brown (arts educator with EDI platform) and Nicole Robinson 

Ask bruce if there is any budget to bring in a zoom speaker?

Maria posted a link for an EDI event she is participating in

We will continue to brainstorm about ideas

Discussed “Access” being added to the title. We understood the benefits of the word and didn’t mind including it. Anything to make it clearer we’re in favor of it.

We were concerned that it would become this idea of othering by “listing.” The name “CVPA Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Access Grant” was what we agreed upon. The word “fund” seemed to imply all would receive it and “grant” was more specific and direct.

  • Were in favor of it. Wondered how it would apply to UNCG in particular? Would it be for the CVPA as a whole or each school? How would this accountability function?

Meeting with Daniel to see what can and can’t be done concerning adding materials online. We really want to include videos, pictures, and more interactive pages as much as possible.

  • Will consider doing the individual school meeting/check-in in the spring to then go along with the CVPA event w Christal if all works out. Each school can have a specific ask as needed for their particular school for Christal to work into the discussion/workshop in the Spring.

Maybe in March each school can hold their own “meet your EDI rep/how can we be of service” and then April have Christal Brown give the workshop.

  1. Ask dean if classes can be canceled for higher attendance.
  2. By Dec 9th we will set a tentative day/date for EDI Comm to go to each school. We can have a table with information.
  3. Honors College recognition of student excellence. Art Historians have reached out in the past with letters to no response.
  4. N/A
  5. Jan 21 is the deadline for round one of putting information on the calendar.


  • Discussion of EDI Committee charge to consider expanding the language to improve how it communicates the Committee’s purpose to the CVPA
    • Student membership discussed again. Previously, student involvement was unofficial given that student membership is not listed in the committee charge
    • Staff participation on committee discussed as well
    • These issues come with complications- different schools within the CVPA have different relationships/histories with EDI and student involvement/need would vary
  • Discussion of CVPA EDI website- what to include and how to create
  • Plan for current year- committee will choose one project as a focus for the year and choose “on deck” projects for the future
    • Additionally, since each school has different needs and activities in progress, the committee will solicit one project from each school that the EDI Committee can support
  • Discussion of the relationship between the EDI Committee and the Dean’s office

  • Revisited the revision of the CVPA EDI charge:
    • Slight wording changes
    • Additional clarification added on mini-grant process
    • Addition of points regarding transparency (posting reports and maintaining website)
    • Addition of language on how we serve students
  • Website
    • Ideas from committee- added to shared drive. Discussion of all aspects of website
    • Work plan setup, target date for completion is early April
  • Discussion on how to handle mini-grant process in the future and what the distinct responsibilities of the Committee and the Dean’s Office will be
  • Advice/Recommendations for Schools within the College

  • Website check-in
    • Not much work has begun- first drafts are due December 15th and given current faculty workloads everyone will get to their assignments closer to the due date.
  • UNC System and University EDI update:
    • Much of the work is being done on a local/school level which results in a lack of shared values.
    • UNCG Equity Task Force will present findings in January. Centered on a qualitative study around the experiences of BIPOC students/faculty/staff on campus.
  • Reports from committee representatives from schools within the CVPA
  • More detailed discussion of current EDI challenges within the School of Music


  • Specific requests made to GEC Revision Taskforce to remove/change language that centers the majority group and extends colonialist thinking
  • Update on Centering Student Perspectives initiative
  • iBelong student survey- discussion of whether the committee is actually responding to what students want and need. Feeling is that an open forum may be too dangerous/vulnerable for students

  • Update on GEC Revision- the process has been transparent and often advantageous, but also contentious at times and time consuming. It’s nearing the end.
  • Mini-grant update: 11 proposals, including 9 from students. All were recommended for funding or partial funding, and the Dean expects to approve the committee’s recommendations.
  • Change to committee governing documents- revision of language to retain an Arts Administration position and add 2 graduate students
  • Discussion of how to get student perspectives most effectively represented to committee
  • A committee has been formed to create a UNC System-wide committee on diversity and inclusion

  • Committee discussed, minimally revised, and approved “Successful Practices for Faculty Searches” resource
  • Committee discussed procedures for appointing CVPA EDI Committee members to Faculty Search Committees.
  • Committee determined procedure for review of Job Announcements


  • Confirmation that Dean has included EDI budget requests in documents to Provost
  • Mini grant update: 10 applicants and all should receive something
  • SafeZone training update: Would like to expand for ’18-’19 Academic year and improve
  • Job Searches/Postings:
    • Committee would like to develop a few “standard” questions regarding EDI for CVPA interviews
    • Direct recruitment to diversify the candidate pool where able
    • Add a statement regarding UNCG being a Minority Serving Institution to all CVPA announcements
    • Would like to make it standard that individuals from outside a school serve on a search committee

  • Discussion of membership and charge- decision to revisit at a later date
  • Agreed upon initiatives for fall:
    • Centering student perspectives- plan to organize students to make a presentation offering their perspectives and sharing their needs
    • SafeZone Training- expansion of last year’s trainings. Strategies discussed to help maximize attendance
    • Engaging in the Dean search
    • Assisting standing CVPA committees
  • Additional/Possible initiatives:
    • GEC feedback
    • Faculty searches- have committee membership serve an advisory or oversight role in faculty searches

  • Addition of student representatives
  • CVPA Dean search- discussion on how to ensure the candidates’ commitment, expertise, and track record of doing EDI work. What to require in the application? What questions to ask of semi-finalists and finalists.
  • Faculty Senate EDI Committee update
  • GEC Revision Taskforce update
  • Raising Student Voices project update
  • Discussion of expansion of mini-grants to include student projects
  • SafeZone training update

  • SafeZone trainings have occurred in all schools
  • GEC Revision Taskforce update
  • Centering Student Perspectives update
  • Search committee updates- current policy only requires committee members from outside searching department for Associate and Full Professor level, not for Assistant searches. EDI committee has concerns regarding current policy and how to better facilitate diversity in faculty hiring. Concerns will be presented to the faculty
  • Mini-grant call has not been issued yet. Committee will confirm with Dean’s office that support still exists for initiative

  • Discussion of ongoing concern about search committees—what accountability is there for search committee makeup? It is a large and systemic problem that needs to be addressed.
  • GEC Revision Taskforce- Committee will build a document with EDI-specific feedback to pass on to GEC. It is not yet clear what the diversity component will be in the new GEC requirements.
  • Discussion of recent EDI issue that arose in School of Theatre and how to appropriately support.
  • Mini-grants are indeed available again at $10,000. Committee will produce an amended call for proposals (this time including students) by December 1st.


  • Discussion of committee initiatives:
    • Committee agreed to develop a statement recommending that a more diverse panel of guests be invited to future arts summits
    • Committee agreed to use the funding offered by the Dean to develop a mini-grant program
    • Discussion about the Deans “Grow Your Own” idea
  • Discussion about developing an EDI page within the CVPA website
  • Discussion of the Provost’s Handbook- agreement was reached that a bulleted list of concerns would be submitted to the Provost’s office with an invitation to discuss in-person at a later CVPA EDI committee meeting.

  • Chair of CVPA EDI committee now has Canvas access for announcing events that support diversity efforts on campus
  • Report on Faculty Senate meeting:
    • Julie Mendez-Smith presented diversity course inventory
    • Provost’s office is updating the student evaluation document (SRI) to add uniform questions that will be asked of every course on campus. The committee anticipates some opposition to the validity of the uniform assessment.
    • Diversity Coordinator: Not all units within the CVPA have a “point person” for EDI efforts. Discussion of whether to appoint someone from each school.
  • Mini-Grant update: Grants are more or less approved
  • Additional request from the Dean: A call for proposals for an event led by the History Department on the history of Charles Aycock and the UNCG Auditorium. He is interested in committee involvement to be sure that EDI issues are included and CVPA is represented
  • SafeZone: Agreement to invite Elliott Kimball to a meeting soon to discuss how to move toward a proposal for mandatory SafeZone training

  • Agreement to adopt a rubric for EDI mini-grants. Committee also agreed to add language into the call for next year to limit applications to those supporting underrepresented groups
  • Committee agreed to create a structure for representation at Faculty Senate EDI meetings
  • Update on SRI Initiative- in a regrouping status until Fall 2017. The committee hopes to re-engage with this initiative when it resurfaces
  • Committee agreed to hold one more meeting in the spring semester with Elliot Kimball to learn more about SafeZone training and work toward a plan of action for SafeZone events within the CVPA.
  • Discussion of how to seek connection with other CVPA committees and entities to encourage EDI discussions within the CVPA, but outside the committee.

  • Joined by guests Jeff Aguiar and Elliott Kimball to discuss next steps for enhancing the campus climate in the CVPA.
  • Next steps as a result of this discussion:
    • Invite Elliott to visit an early faculty meeting in fall semester
    • Develop a statement about what the committee is trying to do in order to communicate intentions and build trust
    • Build and share an anonymous feedback form with faculty, staff, and students

  • New intros for new academic year
  • EDI committee agrees to all participate in Bias training
  • Elliott Kimball from Office of Intercultural Engagement will conduct SafeZone/TransZone training geared towards CVPA faculty
  • Mini grant kickoff info for new year

  • Finalization of mini-grant proposal language
  • Discussion of possible student involvement on CVPA EDI committee
  • Finalization of EDI feedback form to go out to CVPA faculty, staff, and students
  • Finalization of dates for Elliott Kimball to lead SafeZone training in each school within the CVPA
  • Discussion of new GEC curriculum overhaul, focusing on EDI issues
  • Update from Faculty Senate EDI committee


  • Various committee charge and setup items were discussed including:
    • What constitutes a quorum
    • Format of committee charge
    • Name of committee
    • Term lengths
    • Vision for future of committee
  • Discussion of BIPOC student and faculty retention
  • Recommendation for committee members to view film “Agents of Change”
  • Election of chair

  • Discussion of how to shape the committee focus for the 2016-2017 year
  • Discussion of search/hiring committees based on the Faculty Senate Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion plans to develop a handbook designed to reduce bias in search committees.
  • Discussion of a mapping of UNCG’s Diversity Assets which will identify where on campus EDI work is being done, primarily in terms of curriculum.
  • The UNC System Strategic Plan draft has been shared, and a new UNCG plan will be shared with the campus soon. The committee decided to align its work with the campus plan as soon as available.