UNC Greensboro

Fall 2020 School of Dance Updates

The School of Dance has been working hard this summer to ensure that our spaces are a healthy and safe environment for students, faculty, and staff. Please take a look at all of the safety protocols we have implemented: OFFICE AREAS: The Dance office is, as always, open Monday through … Continued

Virtual Thesis by MFA Student Makayla Ferrick

Due to COVID-19, School of Dance MFA student Makayla Ferrick had to cancel the public viewing of her thesis performance. Luckily, this didn’t slow her down! Makayla released the performance virtually to joy of her fellow students, faculty, and fans. We are all blown away by what she and her … Continued

Lorena Guillén Tango Ensemble and UNCG University Chorale

A collaborative concert in October 2019 between the UNCG University Chorale, conducted by Carole Ott, and the Lorena Guillen Tango Ensemble, led by Artistic Director and School of Music lecturer Lorena Guillen. In 2020-2021 the Lorena Guillen Tango Ensemble is collaborating with UNCG Sinfonia, conducted by Rebecca MacLeod, to create … Continued

Podcast Featuring Steve Haines, Miles Davis Jazz Studies Program

The ‘Yes, And Cafe Podcast’ with UNCG faculty Omar Ali and Nadja Cech, recently featured Professor of  Miles Davis Jazz Studies Program, Steve Haines. Steve talks about improvising as a performer, a dad, and as champion of UNC Greensboro’s 2020 theme, “She can, We can.” Check out Episode 2: Improvisation … Continued

CVPA alumni couple making beautiful music together

Antonio Truyols ’12 BM Piano Performance and Gizem Yucel ’13 DMA Viola Performance share this video of Duke Ellington Sound of Viola! This is us passing the time that would be spent commuting. This is what arrangers/composers do in quarantine.   https://www.facebook.com/truyolsmusic/videos/2949116995111145/UzpfSTE4MzYzOTg0ODMzMzY5NTozMTU3MjI4NDkwOTc0ODAx/

Instagram Live Artist Talks

Dane Winkler, School of Art Sculpture faculty has organized an Instagram live artist talk series. Many of the guests are UNCG faculty, students, or alumni! Here is the schedule:

An Old Time Ensemble for these new times

A quarantine isn’t going to keep this group from rehearsing. Read and see more here about how the Old Time Ensemble practicing music while practicing social distancing. Faculty Musian Leads Old Time Ensemble From Home on UNCG News