The School of Art Student Ambassadors are Art majors who represent the School of Art and the University of North Carolina-Greensboro to prospective students. The time commitment will be between 5-20 hours a month, depending on your availability and the needs of the program. The majority of the program activities will center around our UNCG Destination events, auditions and community events.  As a School of Art Student Ambassador, these are the types of activities you could be involved in:


  • High School Visits
  • Community outreach event hosts
  • Social Media Editors
  • UNCG Phone-A-Thon
  • Email Campaigns
  • Check -In and Event Help (auditions)
  • Tour guides
  • Destination UNCG and other Admissions Events

By joining this program, you will have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students deciding on college, and instill your love of UNCG Arts in the next generation of Spartans. It’s a chance to explain why you chose UNCG and help others who are making that decision too. This program counts toward volunteer hours and ambassadors are also paid hourly for their employment. Ambassadors will be selected by application and potential interview. If this sounds like a program and employment position that would suit your interests and schedule, please fill out this application and the CVPA Recruitment Office will be in touch with you. You must be signed in to iSpartan to view the application.

If you have any questions, please contact:

College of Visual and Performing Arts
[email protected]

Daysha Bullock

Hometown: Greenville, NC

Major/Concentration: BFA Art (New Media and Design)

5 Year Goals: I see myself continuing and thriving on my entrepreneurial journey, expanding my artistic skillsets/product while spreading my love of art, and being hands-on helping in various communities.

Hobbies: I like to listen to music, binge watch a series (or two:)), go to the gym, and create new products for my jewelry/merchandise business entitled, Knick-Knacks!

Fun Facts: I have something people call an extra finger on both hands and my all time favorite guilty pleasure snack are cosmic brownies.

Advice for First Year Students: Stay true to yourself! It is important throughout this journey because it will teach you valuable lessons. It will also help you to make the most of your experience here.

Favorite Quote: Purpose crosses disciplines. Purpose is an essential element of you. It is the reason you are on the planet at this particular time in history. -Chadwick Boseman

Malory Cedeno

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Major/Concentration: BFA Art (Photography)

5 Year Goals: I see myself working at either Vogue Magazine or Vanity Fair.

Hobbies: In my spare time I enjoy hanging out with friends and watching beauty guru’s videos on Youtube

Fun Facts: I used to live in Boston

Advice for First Year Students: Don’t be scared to get involved and meet new people.

Favorite Quote: You’re not born smart, you get smart – Carol Dweck

Bryan Espinoza

Hometown: Winston-Salem, NC

Major/Concentration: BA Drama and BA in Studio Art

5 Year Goals: In 5 years, I want to have my own Art studio in either Los Angeles or New York. Also, I want to have done some work in the theatre world in either of those two cities.

Hobbies: Taking Pictures, Listening to New Music and, Watching New Movies

Fun Facts: I own a house in Mexico, I’ve had some artwork displayed in Tate St Coffee, and I only weighed 3 pounds when I was born!

Advice for First Year Students: Be yourself and enjoy the hardest four years of your best life!

Favorite Quote: “Art is the lie that makes us see the truth” – Pablo Picasso

Kimora Sullivan

Hometown: Asheville, NC

Major/Concentration: Visual Arts

5 Year Goals:

Hobbies: I like to listen to music, read, or draw in my spare time

Fun Facts: Making playlist is my favorite thing to do.,I see myself using marketing skills to sell my art work effectively.

Advice for First Year Students: If your nervous it is perfectly okay to ask questions, everyone here is willing to help you. Make sure you have good time management skills for homework.

Favorite Quote: A champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall. – Serena Williams