No audition is required to be a Dance minor; any student may declare a Dance minor online. For a list of Dance minor requirements, see here.

An audition is required to be a major in the School of Dance. Auditions are held twice a year. Students who have been admitted through audition and are declared as a Dance major are given priority in registering for dance technique classes, and many other Dance courses are closed to non-majors. For information on the next audition, see our application here.

The School of Dance normally requires a live audition. An exception is made for international students. If you need to request the alternative audition process (requiring a DVD or video link with footage of your dancing, spoken responses to interview questions, and a written essay supervised by a teacher), please contact [email protected].

The School of Dance holds auditions twice a year, usually in late October and late March. Some students enroll at UNCG without a successful audition and take part in the next audition. Students making the choice to attend UNCG without a successful audition should understand that they might not be admitted, and should be thinking of a backup plan.

The School of Dance only allows two auditions per student. If you are unsuccessful in passing both auditions, you will be recommended to the Dance minor, and advised to select another major.

The School tries to keep each cohort (freshmen, sophomores, etc.) at 20-25 students. When we have fewer than this number, we admit additional students (whether already at UNCG or transferring in from another institution).

Placement for majors is determined at the time of the audition; the majority of admitted majors start at the “advanced beginning” level in contemporary dance and ballet, although a few are placed higher and some are placed at the beginning level. Students who have not received level placement through the audition process may take a separate placement class the first day of classes each semester (6pm, Coleman Building). Unless placed higher by the School, students may take only beginning-level technique classes. The School reviews student progress each semester to determine eligibility for moving to the next level. See here for more information.

Yes. Scholarships are awarded in the Spring for the following academic year. For information regarding all dance-related scholarships, please visit here.

In addition to contemporary dance and ballet technique classes, the School of Dance offers African, jazz, tap, and various forms of global dance when instructors are available. We also offer different movement techniques in our “Somatic Practices” course. In addition, there are classes in improvisation, choreography, dance production, repertory/performance, dance appreciation, dance history, applied anatomy/kinesiology/injury prevention, dance education, technology for dance, and other courses to help prepare students for their transition beyond UNCG.

Yes. All students who attend UNCG are also expected to complete general education coursework. The combination of these courses is designed to build foundational learning skills and promote holistic intellectual growth. These include courses in areas of literature, fine arts (other than dance), historical perspectives, social and behavioral sciences, natural sciences, mathematics, and reasoning and discourse. Dance majors usually complete most of these courses in their first two years.

Dance majors are encouraged to carefully consider the number of commitments to rehearsals/performances they take on each semester. Artists working in the School create different types of works, each of which makes unique demands on performers in terms of time, commitment, and physical and mental concentration. Avoiding an overload of artistic commitments will enable you to do your best in each work, keep up with your other responsibilities, and also help you to prevent injury.

There are opportunities to perform in works choreographed by faculty and undergraduate and graduate choreographers for many of the 5-8 different concerts/events presented by the School each semester. There are additional opportunities to dance in other College of Visual and Performing Arts productions outside of the School. There are five classes in the dance curriculum that offer credit for formal performance opportunities for undergraduate dance majors. Some require a separate audition, and some are available to any student at a certain level of dance technique. Students are not required to sign up for university credit for dancing in other students’ works for various class projects. See information on this in the Undergraduate Handbook for Dance: here.

Yes, for the most part, although this depends on choices made by individual students as well as the initial placement level. Students in the BFA and those seeking teacher licensure need to plan their schedules carefully, especially if they are hoping to study abroad. Students expecting to earn a BFA who are placed at the beginning level in contemporary dance can expect to spend at least 4.5 years in the program.

Students who choose to complete a second major in addition to Dance are advised to select the BA program. Because some second majors require additional time, prospective students considering a second major should discuss this with the Undergraduate Coordinator.

Due to the fact that coursework in dance is sequential, careful planning must take place to ensure appropriate progression through the degree program. This is especially true for students in the BFA, those seeking teacher licensure, those planning to study abroad, and those with a second major. Each semester, you will be required to meet with your academic advisor to discuss course options, scheduling, and degree progression.

It depends on which degree you select, which courses you have already taken, and the level of dance technique at which you begin.

Yes. In fact, students are encouraged to study abroad if possible. UNCG has many study abroad and student exchange opportunities. It is important to note that study abroad must be carefully planned within the curriculum. If you are thinking of studying abroad, please notify your academic advisor before or during your first semester of study at UNCG. For more information about Study Abroad, see this section in the Undergraduate Handbook for Dance: here.

Yes, but by appointment only. See this page for more details.

Our degree programs are designed to provide the knowledge and skills necessary for a variety of careers. For more information, see here.

An athletic trainer is available for dance students approximately ten hours a week. See here. In addition, there is a physician specializing in sports medicine at the Student Health Center on certain days of the week. The School works with students who are injured to help them make the best short- and long-term decisions about completing degree requirements, in case the student has to avoid dancing for an extended period to rehabilitate an injury or recover from illness.