Posted on December 08, 2020

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Fall 2020 BFA Exhibition
November 17th – 24th
at Greensboro Project Space

The School of Art at UNC Greensboro and Greensboro Project Space was proud to host the Fall 2020 Senior BFA Exhibition from November 17th – 24th. The exhibition brought together the creative and critical explorations of graduating seniors, who are working in various disciplines: ceramics and sculpture; new media and design; painting; photography; printmaking and drawing.

This exhibition is a celebration of their creative and academic accomplishments—specifically during the Covid-19 pandemic, the fight for Black Lives, the devastating effects of climate change, economic hardship, and other global, cultural, and environmental issues. This exhibition is a celebration honoring their resilience, commitment, and adaptability.

Transform, explore, and inspire—this is the hope as they continue beyond graduation as practicing artists whose creative labor is necessary, valued, and critical to our humanity.

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