Canvas Studio Now Available in All Canvas Courses

Posted on December 18, 2019

Canvas Studio is a communication tool that allows instructors and students to actively collaborate through video and audio media. Canvas Studio is enabled in your course by default. The following information was adapted for UNCG from Instructure Canvas Guides

The Canvas Studio user interface provides an interactive video tool that allows students and instructors to comment directly within video that is uploaded by the instructor or student. Comments are time stamped and appear when the corresponding time stamp occurs in the video. Comments are also curated by timestamp below the video in a comment stream.

Canvas Studio can be easily integrated with Canvas within the rich text editor within Assignments, Discussions, and Pages.

Currently, media uploaded to Canvas Studio does not count against the course or instructor storage quota at UNCG.

[vpa-button text=”View Canvas Studio Guides” url=”” new-window=”true”]


Instructors have access to analytics that display individual usage statistics for each student including the following data:

  • Media viewed
  • Length of view
  • When viewing was terminated

Accessing Canvas Studio in your Canvas Course

Instructors can access their media using the Canvas Studio course navigation link and also have the ability to add Studio media using the rich content editor in Assignments, Discussions, and Pages. More information on using Canvas Studio in the rich content editor can be found here.

Some media access points to consider:

  • Student-uploaded media is not considered to be “owned” by the student account that uploaded it. A copy of the media is made for the course instructor to manage.
  • Embedding media can be done with or without commenting enabled.
  • After media is embedded, the instructor can then manage all media settings and functionality.
  • Instructors can manage comments in all course media; in groups, users can only manage their own comments.
  • Existing comments in embedded media are not included in course copies.
  • View all of the course Studio media by using the Canvas Studio course navigation link

Quick Links: Canvas Studio Guides


Canvas and Studio


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