Hire a Student Musician


Thank you for your interest in engaging one or more of our talented students for your event. The UNCG School of Music students have performed at public and private events throughout Greensboro and beyond. Not only does your hiring provide welcome income for a college student, it also provides an opportunity for the continued development of professional engagement. Please understand that the UNCG School of Music does not act as an agency for the students – we are providing the facilitation of communication between the various entities. Matters of detail, including fees, will be arranged directly between you and the performers. One exception to this policy will be performers hired within the School of Music Miles Davis Jazz Program which has constructed an independent fee schedule. Once the information request form has been submitted, the request will be routed to the appropriate area.

The most common requests are for performers as background music for social events. Occasionally, requests are made for performers who will be spotlighted during the event. We place no specific guidelines on your requests but hope that you’ll understand that not all requests may be accommodated. In addition, we cannot guarantee the provision of performers for potentially any style of music, although most requests are for small classical music ensembles and small jazz ensembles (including solo pianists, guitarists, harpists, etc.). However, we are happy to review your request and let you know the possibilities.

A note about requests for wedding music: the UNCG School of Music is not staffed to provide specific guidance, input, or opinions regarding the myriad of options pertaining to wedding music. We strongly suggest you contact a professional wedding planner (or a personal contact who is knowledgeable in this area) in order to determine your plans. Once that has been determined, then feel free to submit the request form.

Please provide as much information as possible on the form below. After submission, you will be emailed a confirmation of the request and any additional questions regarding your event. Once the performer(s) is/are confirmed, you’ll be emailed their contact information.

Once again, thank you for your interest and we wish the best success for your event.


UNCG School of Music