2024 Commencement Profile: Jamarius S. Wall BA – Theatre

Posted on April 29, 2024

Jamarius Wall '24 BA Theatre
Jamarius Wall '24 BA Theatre

Jamarius Wall decided he wanted to pursue a life in theatre when he was in elementary school in Burlington, North Carolina. His favorite teacher told him she would be directing a musical called Clowns and that he might like to be involved in it:  

“I did that show when I was in second grade and was hooked. When it came time to go to college, I started out at Catawba College then transferred to UNCG. When I visited UNCG, I saw the show Heathers. I knew from that moment that I wanted to perform on the Taylor Theatre stage. The UNCG School of Theatre stood out to me as something special, and I wanted to be a part of it.”  

Wall says he’s glad he made the transfer to being a Spartan:  

“UNCG has been such a great fit for me. I really feel like the School of Theatre has fully welcomed and has integrated me into the program as an actor. And there are so many things I love about the University as a whole, including the incredible diversity of the student body.”  

At UNCG, Wall played the part of a zombie in Night of the Living Dead and was part of a devised theatre piece this semester at Elsewhere Museum called [where-else], developed by students with Assistant Professor of Movement/Acting Robi Arce-Martínez. Wall also had a lead role in what is probably his favorite show at UNCG, Dontrell, Who Kissed the Sea: 

“I loved playing the role of Robby who is on this hero’s quest to find out more about an ancestor. The message is so great: ‘do what’s best for you even when everyone else is telling you not to.’” 

After graduation, Wall plans to teach and to pursue acting. He says he’s leaving UNCG with some great tools and some advice for future students: 

“I’ve learned how to remain resilient throughout my college years. I feel like I’m equipped to be able to face any problem when necessary. College is an experience. Don’t rush it!” 

Story by Terri W Relos

Photo credit: Jamarius Wall

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