GoLinks – UNCG’s Official Link Shortening Service

Posted on November 02, 2020

GoLinks logoGoLinks is the official URL shortener at UNCG. URL shorteners allow a user to create smaller, customizable links that are easier to read and can provide a link that is descriptive in nature to display the intended target.

Shortening a Link

Shorten this link

[box title=”” bg_color=”#bec0c2″ align=”center”]https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BcVITjpQCDRVTdubv4LoaiatdHz0hmTW-rxPdw1kvY4/edit#heading=h.dr29oxk1opsz[/box]

To This

[box title=”” bg_color=”#bec0c2″ align=”center”]https://go.uncg.edu/online-course-checklist[/box]

Note how the shortened link was customized to provide a description of the intended target within the text of the link. This is helpful when sharing the link since it is both easy to remember and provides insight to the user of what to expect when clicking the link. This is also advantageous when using links in marketing and general communication.

Adjust Link Targets

In addition, GoLinks allow users to adjust the intended target of the custom link. This can be helpful when using links in print materials that may need to be re-directed. The same link can continue to be used but the target can be adjusted to re-direct to different URLs as needed.

UNCG GoLinks Features

  • Shorten a really long link!
  • Make a link that’s easier to remember.
  • All UNCG employees have the ability to create GoLinks.
  • Change the target of the cutsom-created GoLinks.
  • Real-time statistics for links (hit counts, visitor information).
  • Shared ownership of links, allowing for delegation of management.
  • “Modifiers” make it easy to track referral traffic (twitter, one website vs another, Facebook, email etc).
  • QR Codes are automatically created for every GoLink.
  • Ownership can be transferred easily from one UNCG account to another.

If you would like more information about GoLinks or have questions about creating a GoLink, please contact the CVPA ITC.

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