Graduate Choreography Class Pivots to Screendance for Project

Posted on May 22, 2020

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DCE 651 is a Graduate Choreography class, this semester being taught (for the first time) as Screendance. Associate Professor Robin Gee designed the project to teach students how to follow the prescription of a seminal work and then “remix” the formula to create something new. Normally they would complete this project in groups, with several dancers and crew. These students made work alone, in isolation. The original is a group composition – the remixes are solo’s.

Shooting in the Style of is… was designed as an opportunity for students to develop a dance film based on the creative principals of a classic work. Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker has, given the unique circumstances we find ourselves in, created a website that encourages the remixing of her piece, Rosas Danst Rosas, directed by the iconic Thierry de Mey. Videos below are by School of Dance students Billy Hawkains, Caitlyn Shrader, and Anjanee Bell.

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