New Canvas Features

Posted on May 15, 2020

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New Canvas features have been enabled by UNCG ITS as of May 15, 2020.

More information from UNCG ITS:

Improved Rich Content Editor (RCE)

The RCE is used to add and format content in Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes, and the Syllabus.

The improvements to the RCE include the following new features and functions:

  • The toolbar has a condensed, more intuitive look.
  • The content sidebar only displays when linking to other parts of Canvas, accessing Canvas files, or accessing uploaded media.
  • Toolbar menus are grouped by common icons and interactions.
  • The RCE expands to the full width of the browser.
  • The RCE auto-saves content for up to one hour.

This video guides instructors and students through using the new Rich Content Editor. Additional information is available in the Canvas Guides.

New Analytics

Canvas’ New Analytics tool provides a richer experience for course data, including grades and weekly online activity, includes mobile page views, and refreshes data every 24 hours. This New Analytics Overview video provides more information about this new tool, as well as the Canvas Guides.

Rubrics in the Course Navigation

Rubrics are now accessed from the course navigation instead of the Outcomes page.

Limited Submission Attempts in Assignments

By default, students can submit assignments an unlimited number of times. This new feature allows instructors to limit the number of attempts for an assignment.

This short video from the Canvas Community explains this feature.

On-Time Submission Celebrations

Canvas generates a virtual celebration when student assignments are submitted (or resubmitted) on or before the due date. Students can hide all celebration animations in their User Settings. This quick video provides an overview of this feature.

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