The Virtual Classroom: Bodies Moving Together, Apart

Posted on April 30, 2020

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Duane Cyrus is a Professor in CVPA’s School of Dance. Cyrus teaches studio-based courses — repertory, choreography, and technique — and he says those are challenging courses to teach online:

“The Performing Arts are all about human interaction. They involve bodies moving together in the same space.”

Cyrus says that although there is no substitute for face-to-face teaching, he’s found ways to make Zoom work for his students. The gallery views allow them to work “together”, and it’s been a good platform for the students to have discussions and support each other.

In this visit to the Virtual Classroom, Cyrus shares his and his students’ successes, obstacles, and art.
Photo: Zoom session from Cyrus’s undergraduate choreography class, DCE 253

This story is part of an ongoing series, The Virtual Classroom, in which we highlight the way CVPA has pivoted to online classes during this time of social distancing. If you have a story to share, from either a teaching OR learning perspective, please send your information to [email protected] with The Virtual Classroom in the subject line.

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