UNCG Music Education Made Big This June!

Posted on June 29, 2015

From David Teachout, Chair of Music Education:

In the most recent issue of Music Educators Journal (Vol. 101, #4 – June 2015), 3 of the 8 featured articles were authored by our MUE faculty members and alumni.

Steven Armon Anderson (MM ’07) co-authored a piece with Gregory Lamar Denson titled, “Preparing the Successful Urban Music Educator: The Need for Preservice and Inservice Development.” Both authors are currently doctoral students in music education at Georgia State University.

Donald A. Hodges (MUE faculty member) and Robin W. Wilkins (PhD ’15) co-authored a piece titled, “How and Why Does Music Move Us? Answers for Psychology and Neruoscience.”

Donald J. Walter (MM ’12) and Jennifer S. Walter (MUE faculty member) co-authored a piece titled, “Skill Development: How Brain Research Can Inform Music Teaching.”

Music Educators Journal, published by SAGE for the National Association for Music Education, is the flagship professional journal for music education in the United States. Having a substantial number of articles in one issue with such direct connections to one institution is rare.

Congratulations go to these UNCG authors for bringing national attention to the excellent scholarly work taking place here in the School of Music, Theatre and Dance.

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