UNCG Dance a hit at Mid-Atlantic American College Dance Association Conference

Posted on March 27, 2015

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From Courtney White, 2015 MFA Candidate, Choreographer and Performer

If someone asked me to sum up the American College Dance Conference (ACDA) in one word, I’d say, SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPEALIDOCIOUS…you know what that means, right?  I have had the opportunity to attend six ACDA conferences throughout my dance career, and this was by far the best yet!  I, alongside six other UNCG dance majors and two fellow graduate students, attended the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference at Towson University in Towson, Maryland. UNCG was one of 30 universities represented at this year’s conference – and represent we did!  Throughout the four day conference we collectively took 30 classes, watched 75 dances divided between 7 concerts, taught 10 classes, and presented two works – one in an informal concert and one in an adjudicated concert! It was an honor to present my most recent work, What’s So Funny, in the adjudicated concert.  From this experience alone I have been asked to reset the work on a company, perform it in venues in NC, PA and NYC, and been offered various teaching opportunities.  My colleagues and I have not only made lifelong memories, but have expanded our network to include a diverse group of individuals working in the dance field.  Needless to say, we are still reminiscing about our experience!

Thank you UNCG Dance and Prime Movers for making our trip possible!  We are sincerely grateful!

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