School of Dance Assistantships


The UNCG Graduate School offers a limited number of fellowships to students with high GPAs and GRE scores. These are campus-wide awards and are quite competitive, and can range up to $20,000 per academic year plus tuition waivers and health insurance. There is no work assignment for students on Fellowship. Students must be nominated by our faculty in order to be considered for these awards.

The deadline for fellowship consideration is February 1st. For additional information, please contact the appropriate departmental Director of Graduate studies, Dr. Ana Paula Höfling.

Research and Teaching Assistantships

The School of Dance offers a limited number of Research and Teaching Assistantships, which include tuition remission and a stipend. Fully funded students will be assigned responsibilities in their first year that range from assisting professors in teaching and research to working at the box office of the Dance Theater. After their second year, fully funded students will be assigned their own courses teaching as instructors of record, in addition to assignments assisting professors in research, teaching, and service. Assistantships are typically renewed, but students must request the renewal annually. While assistantship assignments are usually related to the student’s area of specialization and prior experience, the needs of the school take precedence. The majority of graduate students in the School of Dance are fully funded for the entire time they are in residence pursuing their degrees. Distance students are not eligible for assistantships.

Please indicate in your application if you would like to be considered for a Research and Teaching Assistantship. After the first round of selections for admission into the MFA and MA programs, prospective students are invited to campus for an audition, which includes a teaching audition for those applying to Research and Teaching Assistantships. Please contact the Director of Graduate Studies for details about stipend offerings.


Applicants will be notified by email of their Assistantship offers by late February, and they will be officially notified by the Graduate School about Assistantship and Fellowship offers by mid April.


Teaching Assistants in Dance generally teach two 3-credit lecture courses, three 1-credit technique courses, or a combination of these. Non-teaching assignments are based on 20 hours per week as a full load. No assignment will exceed 20 hours per week. All assignments are made by the Director of the School of Dance. Graduate Assistants are considered half-time faculty, and are expected to carry a full course load of 6-10 semester hours. Graduate Assistants must complete DCE 662: Practicum in Teaching Dance, in the first year of their assistantship. Outside employment while holding an assistantship is restricted by the Graduate School.