students on stage

Nikki Blair

Nikki Blair

When did you begin teaching at UNCG?


What attracted you to the position? Why this university/program? Describe the moment you knew UNCG/CVPA/School was a great fit for you.

I was attracted to the strength of the Art Department and its Faculty.

Favorite course or subject matter to teach and why?

Ceramics One, Hand-building. This is a beginning level course that is open to all students. As a result, student from across the University enroll which keeps it very interesting and challenging.

What makes UNCG, CVPA or your School special? Why do you think students should choose us?

I believe that the faculty work very hard students to be successful.

Advice for future students who want to be successful?

Work hard and do not take this time for granted.

If you were a student in your program now, what would you do differently from your actual undergraduate experience or what might you pursue that you didn’t?

I would seek out funding and study abroad opportunities.

Most proud career moment or experience:

Just this spring I have three of my undergraduate students completing their MFA programs.

Is there anything else you believe is important and would like to share with prospective students?

Use this time to its fullest potential. What you do now will have an impact on your future endeavors.

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