Musicology Area Header

Musicology may be defined as the study of contemporary and historical styles of music, of relevant documents, and of the cultures that produced them.

Undergraduate courses include a four-semester sequence consisting of MUS 135, Introduction to Musicology, MUS 332 and 333, History of Western Music I and II, and a 400 or 500-level course in music history and/or literature.

Graduate courses are taken by students in masters and doctoral degree programs as well as those in post-baccalaureate and post-masters certificate programs. Our graduate offerings include:

  • MUS 511 History of Opera
  • MUS 529 Music before 1600
  • MUS 530 Music from 1600-1800
  • MUS 532 Music of the Nineteenth Century
  • MUS 533 Music of the Twentieth-Century
  • MUS 538 The Symphonic Tradition
  • MUS 602 Seminar in Music Research and Writing
  • MUS 606 Seminar in Music History (topic varies)
  • MUS 674 Masterpieces of Musical Styles

All of the above are three-credit-hour courses. Please consult the Graduate Bulletin or Music Advising for more complete descriptions and current offerings. Graduate students in music performance or music education may apply these courses toward a post-baccalaureate certificate in musicology.

Degree Programs

UNCG offers the following degree programs for students interested in studying Musicology:

Graduate Programs

Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Musicology

Musicology Faculty

Aaron Allen

Dr. Aaron S. Allen

Lorena Guillen

Dr. Lorena Guillén

Headshot of Daniel Castro Pantoja, Assistant Professor of Musicology

Dr. Daniel Castro Pantoja

kailan rubinoff portrait

Dr. Kailan Rubinoff

Joan Titus

Dr. Joan Titus